Wednesday 17 March 2010

Modelling; Lion Cub

I have now altered my Lioness model to form my lion cub.

Little alterations were made, to make the lion cub cute and chunky, similar to the fox cub. These are common features of cartoon characters and babies, "cute and chunky".

I moved vertices, shortened the legs, scaled the muzzle in the y axis, and made the tip of the tail more like the bud of a flower and gave it more of a flick. I chose to leave the "bottom" quite large, and dip the back a tad. I also made the neck a lot thinner.

Here is the final lion cub. Again I have chosen to wait before scaling the model down until I organise all the models into one scene.


  1. love your models, look pretty relistic. well done

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
